Category Archives: News
Invitation to Participate in a Study on Psychedelic Therapy in The Cancer Field
Invitation to Participate in a Study on Psychedelic Therapy in The Cancer Field A study...
The Power of Music in Care
Using music which is familiar and preferred by the person you care for, can provide...
Palliative Nexus free event on strategies and lessons to establishing an approach to early palliative care.
Palliative Nexus brings together clinicians, researchers and allied health professionals with a mission to improve...
The Story Project: Biography Services for children in palliative care
The story project is a free service that provides people the chance to record their...
Critical pain relief medicines at risk for people with cancer and terminal illness.
“Key health organisations are stepping up their advocacy efforts with supplies of a critical pain...
2023 Palliative Care Volunteer Conference
The 2023 Palliative Care Volunteers Conference – The Power of Perspective will be held over...
Celebrate NAIDOC Week from 02-09 July 2023
NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations culture and...
Ongoing funding to enhance palliative care for older Australians
The Australian Government has announced ongoing funding for End of Life Directions for Aged Care...
Scholarships are now open to attend the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference this September in Sydney
2023 Oceanic Palliative Care Scholarship Applications Palliative Care Australia welcomes applications for scholarships to attend...
Deniliquin’s 2023 Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay team donated palliative equipment
The 2023 Murray to Moyne team has raised more than $11,000 and have purchased new...
A small council in the Murrumbidgee invests to attract international nurses
Allawah Lodge is a 33 bed residential aged care facility located on the corner of...
Awareness campaign about dementia support
Dementia Support Australia (DSA), funded by the Australian Government and led by HammondCare, offers relationship-based...