Helpful resources and links

World Health Organisation

Full consensus definition of palliative care (2021)

Palliative Caring Booklet (online version)

Information for families and carers who are caring for a person with a life limiting illness or condition

Please click HERE to order hard copies of the Palliative Caring booklet.

Note: Booklets deliveries will resume after 04 November 2024. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your patience.

Flowchart to assist General Practitioners

When and how to refer to Palliative Care

Latest News

Former Palliative Care NSW President, and pain medicine and palliative care academic and advocate receive Australia Day Honours

Congratulations to NSW residents, Cheryl Dunn OAM and Professor Paul Glare AM who have been recognised in the 2025 Australia Day Honours list. Cheryl is a former Palliative Care NSW President and has been recognised...

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‘Leaning In’: Trauma-Informed Palliative Care for Clinicians and Volunteers

Trauma can leave invisible scars that profoundly shape how people experience the world, particularly during the vulnerable final stages of life. For palliative care teams—including both volunteers and clinicians—it is...

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The Waiting Room Revolution podcast

Looking for something to do in the holidays? Look no further, we have found your next podcast. According to the hosts, Dr. Samantha Winemaker, palliative care doctor, and Dr. Hsien...

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Latest Resources for Health Professionals

Free training program to support clinical decision-making at end of life

The End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC), is a free online training program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners and health workers, and other health professionals about laws on end of life...

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Paediatric End-of-Life Care Communication course

A new course on End-of-Life Communication in Paediatric Palliative Care is accessible for free on the Paediatric Education Hub on the PPC4U website. These modules are tailored for Health Care Professionals to...

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National Advance Care Planning Week (18 – 24 March)

National Advance Care Planning Week provides an ideal opportunity to participate in an education event or discuss your values with loved ones, highlighting what matters most to you. This is also...

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