Volunteers donate beautiful quilts to Belong Blue Mountains Palliative Care Support Service

Caring Hearts Community Quilters created stunning quilts, which they generously donated to Belong Blue Mountains Palliative Care Support Service.

The Caring Hearts Community Quilters is a group dedicated to crafting quilts for charitable purposes. Their vibrant quilts not only provide warmth and comfort but also cater to the emotional, spiritual, and social needs of patients and their caregivers who are nearing the end of their lives.

Melissa Williams, Belong service’s volunteer coordinator, has stated that the group of women primarily depend on donated fabric and revenue generated from their annual fundraising event “Airing of the Quilts”. The proceeds from the event enable them to purchase necessary materials to continue quilting.

This year, the Airing of the Quilts is being held at The Arms of Australia Inn Museum, at Emu Plains on Saturday October 21 from 9.30am to 2.30pm. There is an entrance cost of $5 donation to see the Quilts, plus admission charges to the museum.

For more details on the event contact Margaret Collier on 0438 670012 or email info@armsofaustraliainn.org.au

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