The Power of Art in Palliative Care

An unlikely connection has developed between Melbourne artist Jeffrey Kelson, who is receiving palliative care, and his art student, a palliative care physician.

Melbourne artist Jeffrey Kelson is known for his thought-provoking portraits, several of which have been exhibited at the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. He believes a portrait is a window into a subject’s heart and mind.

However, after being diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer, it wasn’t this style of art that Mr Kelson was drawn to. As soon as he felt well enough to return to his studio, he started work on a series of colourful collages.

“At one point, my wife came into the room and commented on how bright they were and how full of life force. She was surprised that I could create pieces that were so energetic when I felt so ill. I hadn’t really thought about it. I just needed to work,” he told InSight+.

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