Palliative Care NSW is proud to offer two professional networks that are available for our members to engage with:

CALD Communities & Palliative Care Professional Network

PCNSW is establishing a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities & Palliative Care Professional Network within our membership.

As part of the CALD Communities & Palliative Care Professional Network, members will be able to come together once a quarter to engage in peer-to-peer discussions and consultation regarding culturally appropriate palliative care.

To join this network, please register your interest here. The network’s first virtual session will be planned for July.

Palliative Aged Care Network NSW

The Palliative Aged Care Network (PACN) has grown from the initial meetings between passionate aged care providers with their palliative care colleagues in the acute sector back in 2012/13 to a robust group of health professionals across the two sectors who share of common goal of improving the delivery of palliative care to one of our most vulnerable groups – the frail, aged.

We aim to meet every second month (February, April, June, August, October, December). These are online and aim that one out of every four meetings are offered face to face to increase our networking opportunities.

We also invite guest speakers to present at each meeting. PACN has been very fortunate and grateful to be supported by Palliative Care NSW, who provides our Secretariate services.

If you are interested in joining PACN, please complete the form below. 

We look forward to moving ahead with advocacy, education and sharing of innovation in this space.

Expression of interest in joining PACN NSW

Please complete the following details to be considered to join Palliative Aged Care Network in NSW.