New support program for Nurses and Midwives to address sensitive health issues at an early stage

The Australian Government-funded Nurse and Midwife Health Program Australia (NMHPA) is a free, confidential and an independent service for nurses and midwives, as well as nursing and midwifery students, experiencing any sensitive psychological health issue.

The peer-led service aims to help individuals from any of these professions experiencing any health or wellbeing issue, whether it is drug, alcohol or gambling, stress, burnout, occupational violence, or a mental health concern, to connect with experienced nurse and midwife counsellors.

Nurses and midwives constitute the largest cohort (54%) among Australia’s registered health professionals. Fatigue, stress, and burnout are recognised as significant challenges facing both the nursing and midwifery workforce in Australia and worldwide. (Source

NMHPA, has started with national telehealth consultations and it is working towards establishing four in-person hubs and regional offices with one covering NSW and the ACT.

“Palliative Care NSW commends the launch of this new program to support nurses, midwives and students. What particularly stands out is that this program is an independent health and wellbeing service designed, led and provided by nurses and midwives. This type of support for nurses working in palliative care and end-of-life care is essential as stress, burnout and fatigue is certainly being felt and more needs to be done to address this. Programs like this are essential alongside other solutions, to help address some of the current workforce challenges being experienced, and to support those that every day are supporting and caring for others.’ Said PCNSW CEO Kirsty Blades.

Access to the NMHPA can be initiated by nurses and midwives themselves (i.e. self-referral), employers (with consent of the employee involved), or via peak bodies such as unions. Referrals may also be made by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, however, it is the individual’s decision if they will engage with the service or not.

To access NMHPA contact them via phone call 1800 001 060 or by sending an email to

For more information click HERE