Needs Rounds via telehealth provides effective care

A recent report in the Journal for Nurse Practitioners explains how adopting telehealth services into Palliative Care Needs Rounds (ACT) can be just as effective as services delivered face-to-face. Readily available platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime and Skype were used when COVID-19 restrictions prevented face-to-face Needs Rounds.

Report Highlights
  • The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic required rapid innovation to existing models of care with adoption of telehealth services.
  • Access to specialist palliative care, Palliative Care Needs Rounds, and planning for end of life reduces avoidable hospital transfers and improves quality of death and dying for older people in care homes.
  • Palliative Care Needs Rounds run by nurse practitioners provide cost effective access to expert clinical care and education.
  • Palliative Care Needs Rounds are as effective using telehealth as when delivered face-to-face

Report Abstract
Older people living in care homes deserve access to specialist palliative care in their last months of life, and this has never been more important than during a global pandemic. Palliative Care Needs Rounds facilitated by nurse practitioners are cost-effective, reduce avoidable hospital transfers, improve quality of death and dying, and increase the capacity of staff to recognize and plan for care for dying residents in care homes. Conducting Palliative Care Needs Rounds via telehealth increases access to specialist palliative care while reducing the risk of coronavirus disease 2019 transmission.

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