Palliative care is focused on quality of life when death is foreseeable. Your preferences or those of the person you care for are central to providing quality palliative care. There are many decisions to be made. Circumstances will differ and what was true for one person may not be for another.
Evidence helps by helping us to understand the issues and by showing us the most likely symptoms and care needs with a given diagnosis and likely impacts of different care decisions and interventions.
Understanding what research has found can help you consider options and courses of action and how they fit with your personal circumstances or those of the person you are supporting.
To help everyone access relevant evidence to make informed decisions at the end of life, CareSearch has developed the .
The webpages connect you with current care guidelines and summaries of the latest evidence around common clinical issues at the end of life helps you to find new evidence or specific evidence on issues important to you. For those looking to upskill or introduce practice change, the and hubs step through what should be considered and what you need to do.
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