PalliLEARN” Talking to Children about Dying and Grief


Introductory easy-to-understand courses for building the skills and awareness to support and care for those who are living with a life-limiting illness, dying or grieving.

Talking to Children about Dying and Grief

What you will learn:

  • Why talking to children about dying is important
  • Honest and simple conversations
  • Making memories
  • Self-care for you and children

Who: Anyone is able to register for the courses. There is no requirement for training or experience within the health or palliative care space. The courses are great for anyone who is a carer or family member of someone with a life-limiting illness, or anyone needing introductory level palliative care awareness.
Date: 11th of February 2025
Time: 11:00AM – 12:00PM (AEDT)
Where: Online via Zoom

Register HERE

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