Category Archives: News

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s Interim Report

Aged Care in Australia: A Shocking Tale of Neglect The Royal Commission into Aged Care...

Pushing for better end of life care for people with dementia

Dementia Australia is calling on the Government of Victoria (in collaboration with the Commonwealth Government)...

Cancer nurses – Save the date for the next annual congress

The Cancer Nurses Society of Australia will be holding its 23rd Annual Congress next year...

CarerHelp – New Resource

CarerHelp, a new resource to support unpaid carers, will be launched at Parliament House today during...

How to die a better death

A film that can be viewed at SBS on Demand asks how should we approach medical treatment...

The future of the social organisation of end of life care

Urgent questions are raised by the major challenges of our “ageing” societies’ organisation of care:...

Palliative Care Australia Updates Position Statement on Voluntary Assisted Dying and Palliative Care

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) Board Chair Dr Jane Fischer says the organisation has updated its...

Is Dying at Home Overrated?

“If time were short, where would you want to be?” As a palliative care physician,...

Sometimes Treating Pain Is As Important As Treating Disease

Amy Berman of New York City had been living with inflammatory breast cancer for about...

PAUSE – Engaging with art and creating a time and space for self-care

Do you care for someone who is dying? Is self-care something you would like to...

Death and learning to understand it

“How people die lives on in the memory of those who live on.” – Dame...

How Play School’s Little Ted is helping parents and kids talk about death and grief

From Mufasa in The Lion King to the loss of Bambi’s mother, death is never...