Best practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Care

Under the theme – Voice. Treaty. Truth. Let’s work together for a shared future – NAIDOC Week 2019 will be held nationally from Sunday 7 July and continue through to Sunday 14 July.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are under-represented in palliative and end-of-life services. Quality care at end of life can only be achieved when it is culturally appropriate to the particular needs of individuals, their families and communities.

In order to create equity of access to these services, we need to implement palliative care strategies that integrate, respect, and accommodate the spiritual and cultural beliefs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and their practices relating to end-of-life transitions.

It is essential that non-Indigenous health professionals working in end-of-life care develop culturally safe practice, because failure to appreciate the cultural practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can lead to inappropriate and inadequate health care.

Caresearch palliative care knowledge network has a range of resources and information to help the health care workforce and carers in providing palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a culturally safe and responsive way.

Check them out on their website by clicking here.

Artwork by Leigh Harris of Ingeous Studios.