Dementia and Palliative Care

Dementia Action Week (September 16-22), is an opportunity to learn about dementia and discover how Palliative Care can provide support for individuals living with Dementia, their carers and family.

Palliative care for those with dementia has a focus on the person’s quality of life through comprehensive care that includes physical, emotional, and psychological support for that person and their families, helping to navigate the complexities of dementia’s progression. It involves a multidisciplinary approach, this includes managing symptoms such as pain, agitation, and sleep disturbances, and addressing challenges like communication difficulties and behavioural changes. The focus for palliative care is person-centred care where preferences and values are respected, offering a dignified and compassionate approach throughout the dementia journey.

You can find more about the role of Palliative Care in supporting patients with Dementia in greater detail HERE.

Sydney was recently host to the International Dementia Conference, which was attended by Hannah Bodrozic, a PCNSW member and scholarship recipient. Hannah shares insights and reflections from the conference, to read more about her experiences and the key takeaways from the event, click HERE.