The ACI Palliative Care Network Executive Committee is seeking a Medical Specialist from a specialty other than Palliative Medicine to join their Committee.
A key area of responsibility for the Committee is to oversee the refinement of the web-based resource Palliative and End of Life Care: A Blueprint for Improvement and to support Local Health Districts and Speciality Health Networks to use it in their ongoing planning and service delivery.
The Vision for the Blueprint is to ensure that all NSW residents have equitable access to quality care based on assessed need as they approach and reach the end of life.
Our work aims to ensure that all staff are prepared to care for someone who is approaching the end of their lives, their families and carers. This EOI seeks to broaden the Committee’s membership to help work towards this aim.
Membership to the Committee is for a period of two years. Expressions of Interest close Friday 15 July, 2018. Click here for more information [pdf, 228 KB].