What matters most?
When we talk about ‘What Matters Most’ in Palliative Care, we are talking about one of the most important times in a person’s life. What Matters Most to a person as they approach and reach the end of their life? What Matters Most to the family and friends of that person? What Matter Most to the people providing care to that person and their family?
What Matters Most is the knowledge that their needs and concerns will be addressed by a system built to support them. How do we make sure that everyone involved in a dying person’s life is an active participant in that supportive system?
We need to build a Palliative Care ‘Culture’ in New South Wales.
The current NSW Government has taken very welcome steps to ensuring that the people of NSW have access to quality care as they approach and reach the end of their lives. We welcome the injection of funds and the focus of NSW Health on palliative care in this state.
There’s more to do. Palliative Care New South Wales is writing to all candidates and Members of Parliament to ask you to look after your community when it comes to end of life care.
You can download our 2019 Election Platform. Palliative Care NSW is calling on the next NSW Government to address the recommendations to ensure that the people of NSW are able to access quality palliative and end of life care and support: the right care at the right time in the right place.
Our platform is available for download below.

PCNSW Election Platform 2019