International Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day, is marked annually on December 5th. This day was established as an international observance by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985.

International Volunteer Day serves as an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of volunteers and promote the spirit of volunteerism on local, national, and international levels.

This year the International Volunteer Day 2023 theme is: “If Everyone Did”

If everyone volunteered, the world would be a better place.

Today’s message from Toily Kurbanov, Executive Coordinator, United Nations Volunteers,

“Today I say to all volunteers around the globe: Thank you. For choosing to improve the world. For finding inspiration to act. For creating solutions. For keeping our hopes alive. And to the world, our message is: Imagine what we could achieve if all joined in. And volunteered.”

Palliative Care NSW CEO, Kirsty Blades further acknowledges the impact volunteers make,

“Having been in the not-for-profit (NFP) and Association sector for over 20 years I have had the privilege to work with, and get to know over a thousand volunteers. NFPs and Associations rely on passionate volunteers who are willing to give their time freely to be Board Members and Committee Members, to advance a cause, to be a representative voice to the community and government, to build capacity and strengthen outcomes and to provide important strategic and governance oversight. The communities we are all part of, both professionally and personally, would not be what they are without the support of volunteers.

On this important day, I acknowledge and thank the management committee of Palliative Care NSW who are all volunteers and take this opportunity to also acknowledge all the volunteers working in palliative care and the incredible contribution they make. Your dedication, hard work, and kindness is important and meaningful. Thank you for your contribution to patients with a life-limiting illness and their families, and thank you for being an integral part of your palliative care team”

If International Volunteer Day has inspired you to consider palliative care volunteering, you can find out more here: