Researchers in NSW are seeking help to identify how to better support older prisoners suffering dementia. The study will ask practitioners who work with or come into contact with older prisoners for their opinion on what pathways of care and staff provisions would best support older prisoners with dementia.
Sanetta du Toit from the University of Sydney says, “Dementia care of ageing prisoners is an underserved area in need of research and practice development. Little is known about the best method of responding to this growing need.
“The insight and understanding of people who are in contact with older prisoners is vital for identifying optimal models of care.
“With this study we are specifically interested in the insights of outside agencies who deliver services to older prisoners.”
The study is being led by the Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Sydney.
Participants are being asked to complete a short online questionnaire to capture some background information, after which suitable folk will be invited to take part in a group discussion (in person or Skype) to consider ‘What are the perceived best care options for prisoners with dementia in NSW?’

Dementia in prisons project
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Pic: The Inmates, Eric Wilson (1944), Art Gallery NSW